четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

Daily Bulletin | 10.05.2018, 16:30 UTC

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Donald Trump to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong Un on June 12
US President Donald Trump announced he would meet the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un next month in Singapore. The two leaders will "both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!" Trump said in a tweet.
Emmanuel Macron receives Charlemagne Prize for European unity in Aachen
French President Emmanuel Macron received the Charlemagne Prize in Aachen "in recognition of his vision of a new Europe." In his acceptance speech, Macron spelt out his long-term goals for the European bloc.
Israel responds to Golan Heights attack, hitting 'nearly all' Iranian targets in Syria
Israel has launched a large-scale rocket attack on several Iranian infrastructure targets in Syria. The strike comes after Israel accused Iranian-backed forces of firing at their frontline troops in the Golan Heights.
Iran deal crisis triggers rare show of unity between Moscow and Berlin
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, agreed that the Iran nuclear agreement should be upheld. Maas urged Moscow to use its influence with Tehran.
Italy's populists make 'significant steps' towards coalition government
The euroskeptic M5S and anti-migrant League have said they're moving "quickly" to give Italy a government. But Italy's president has warned the parties of wrecking havoc on the country's statutes in the EU.
Malaysia: Mahathir Mohamad sworn in as prime minister, capping off election upset
Mahathir Mohamad has been sworn in as Malaysia's new prime minister, capping a remarkable political comeback by the 92-year-old. The Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition was dethroned on Wednesday after six decades in power.
Kenyan dam bursts causing 'huge destruction' and deaths
Heavy rains caused the walls of a dam in Nakuru county to give way and send water gushing over nearby homes. Local officials said at least 47 have died and thousands have been left homeless as rescue operations continue.
Will Iran try to tie down the US in Afghanistan?
Trump's withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal could have serious implications for ties between Tehran and Kabul, which heavily relies on US support. Will Iran pressure the US by ramping up support for the Taliban?
Times change but German obsession with cash endures
"Do you accept cards?" If you're asking in Germany, there's a good chance that the answer is no. The country has a curiously low cashless rate. Can the European economic powerhouse's aversion to plastic payment continue?
When books were burned in Germany
Eighty-five years ago, fires fueled with literature labeled "un-German" by the Nazi regime burned across the country. Many students enthusiastically joined in the act at the time.
To accelerate climate action, citizens are suing governments
After climate talks in Bonn, many criticize outcomes as weak. Increasingly, concerned citizens see legal action as a path for climate action — a thousand climate lawsuits are currently active around the world.
Bundesliga: Hoffenheim and Borussia Dortmund in Champions League showdown
After months of highs, lows and hard work, one match could decide Borussia Dortmund and Hoffenheim's fate, as the two duel for a Champions League spot. Lower down, Hamburg and Wolfsburg are out to avoid the drop.

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