четверг, 19 ноября 2020 г.

Re:📢[lydie debard] (1)

lydie debard

____________________________________________________________________ How electric cars are charged and how far they go: your questions answered We answer your top questions on electric cars - on charging, on range and on battery life. Ezzeldin Bahader: The world's oldest professional footballer 74-year-old Ezzeldin Bahader became recognized as the world's oldest professional soccer player on October 17 in Egypt's third division. He now tops the list of older footballers, including Japan's famous Kazuyoshi "King Kazu" Miura. What happens if Zambia defaults on its debt to China and other lenders? BBC Africa's Jameisha Prescod looks at how Zambia's financial issues have been made worse during the pandemic. TV chef sparks culinary controversy over toast Chef Nigella Lawson shows the world how to really make toast. Thought you already knew? Think twice. CNN's Jeanne Moos explores double-buttered toast.

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